Install ruby-oci8 Gem on Debian based Linux system

These are the steps to install ruby-oci8 Gem on Ubuntu. 

Step 1: Download the basic & sdk instantclient zip files from 

Step 2: Install following packages 

sudo apt-get install build-essential 
sudo apt-get install libaio-dev 

Step 3: Create a folder oracle inside /opt/ 

mkdir /opt/oracle 

Step 4: Go to inside /opt/oracle/ 

cd /opt/oracle 

Step 5: Place the basic instantclient folder inside /opt/oracle 

sudo cp ~/Downloads/ /opt/oracle/ 

Step 6: Place the sdk instantclient folder inside /opt/oracle 

sudo cp ~/Downloads/ /opt/oracle/ 

Step 7: Unzip the basic instantclient folder 

sudo unzip 

Step 8: Unzip the sdk instantclient folder 

sudo unzip 

Step 9: Check the folders inside /opt/oracle/. It should now have a folder named as instantclient_21_8 

Step 10: Update the runtime link path 

sudo sh -c “echo /opt/oracle/instantclient_21_8 > \ 
>      /etc/”  

Step 11: Check the runtime link path, It should now return /opt/oracle/instantclient_21_8 

cat /etc/ 

Step 12: Set the path in env 

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_8:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 

Step 13: Check the path if set properly in env. It should now have proper value set as LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_2:/opt/instantclient 

env | grep LD_LIBRARY_PATH 

Step 14: Now try by installing the gem ruby-oci8 

gem install ruby-oci8s 

It should work now. 

Alternate Install 

These steps take you through the instant client installation process as well, just to provide some context. Download the instant and SDK zip files here: 

Unzip both files in the following directory as root. 


Enter the instantclient_12_2 directory following the unzip and create a symlink for the file: 

ln -s 

Now, depending on your OS, you’ll need to update your LD_LIBRARY_PATH location. In Ubuntu, do the following: 

sudo nano /etc/ 

And enter the following in the file and save 


Now run the following command: 

sudo ldconfig 

And rerun your gem install:

gem install ruby-oci8 

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